About Us!

JU6A6886 copyAshwini KN , Founder and Blogger
Completing BE from one of the top colleges, RVCE of Bangalore and currently a Software engineer by profession, I love to have my own fashion statement — something which is believable and not very time consuming for working women. I’m also a fitness enthusiast who plays badminton and have dabbled my hands on a lot of other sports. Dancing is my first love and in an alternate world which is not bogged down by coding and other responsibilities, I would have been dancing all day long. I’m a series junkie who even with busy schedules follow atleast 6 shows in a week. Even though I used to blog on random personal experiences since 2009, the thought of blogging on specific things like Fashion, beauty and Fitness made me create this website. This is my way of reaching out to all the girls like me who love to dress up, love to style themselves and the word “shopping” make their eyes sparkle. These are my 2 cents of contributing to and eventually learning from the ever charming ,ever dazzling and always fabulous fashion universe.
Most of my pictures are clicked by Santosh, check out his page here.
You can connect with me for a chat on below:
Twitter : ashwinikn
SnapChat: ashwinikn
I was featured on newspaper and interviewed in an international e-magazine, check them out HERE.
About the Team:

Few of the contributors to this site are Varsha Tiwari, Shylaja Singh, Swati Anjan, Anil Kumar

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